Saturday 8 December 2012

Great Baby Halloween Costumes Idea

Great Baby Halloween Costumes Idea by DENISE LILI

Article Posted: 09/24/2012
Article Views: 111
Word Count: 553
Article Votes: 0
Great Baby Halloween Costumes Idea
Every October America celebrates a holiday called Halloween. Halloweens origins aren’t really known and understood, but many people celebrate it anyway. The reason why Halloween is so popular is the fact that it doesn’t matter if you are young or old; you can always celebrate Halloween. The best part about Halloween (besides the candy) is the fact that everybody gets to dress up in costumes and pretend to be something they want to be. Even babies get in on the fun. There are many baby Halloween costumes that are in style this year, and you should take full advantage of this.
Younger adults (people in their twenties and mostly people who are in college) view Halloween as a day to be young, wild, and free (if I may quote a popular song). Much older adults see Halloween as a day to take lots of pictures of their grandchildren, give them bags of their favorite candy and give out candy to all of the children in the neighborhood.
However, there is small demographic of adults that still want to celebrate Halloween with their children, but not party with scantily dressed girls and drunk guys everywhere. These adults will dress up their babies in the cutest outfits they could find or make, and then show off their babies to their best friends.
Before you go and show the world (or at least everybody at the party) your baby’s costume, you must first find the right costume. The right costume consists of many things: first, the costume can’t be to cliché. If you have a daughter, she can’t be a princess; everybody has dressed his or her little girl as a princess before. However, you can’t dress up your baby as your favorite character from a non-popular sci-fi novel. No one will understand what your baby is. Finding a balance between popularity and obscurity is hard, but here are a few good ideas.
When thinking about the perfect costume for your baby, you should think about the cutest animals in the animal kingdom, and then dress up your baby as that animal. Animal costumes are always cute and never go out of style. One very cute animal costume that isn’t as common as a tiger or a lion is a panda. If you dress up your baby as a panda, it is sure to be a hit. Other popular animals that could be included in this list are a penguin and a bunny. Animal costumes will always look good on a baby.
Other great costume ideas aren’t your traditional costumes, but are still great and unique. These costumes consist of dressing up your baby as a type of candy or food. Just picture your baby in a tootsie roll costume, or dressed as a carrot. These costumes are unique and very cute.
If none of the aforementioned ideas seem good to you, there are still many more ideas to come. Turn to kid movies and TV shows like Bob the Builder or Winnie the Pooh if you want your child to sport the latest and greatest costume.
If the goal of the night is to make your baby look super cute, then any of the baby Halloween costumes mentioned in this article will accomplish this goal.Face Painting


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